Expense Tracker App

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Designed and coded a SwiftUI app in Xcode with data modeling, data networking, Combine, MVVM and libraries for custom icons and charts.

This app will compute daily cumulative expenses to visualise data in the overview's interactive line chart, while enabling users to access informations about their transactions.
Pomodoro Timer App

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The Pomodoro® Technique is a popular time management method to study or performing other tasks.

With this easy app, you can set a 25:5 minutes timer and visualise its progress through a colorful circle and percentages for both elapsed and remaining time.
Firebase Authentication - Template

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A starter template to build iOS apps using Firebase Authentication services.
UnicoCampania - Redesign

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Redesigning means deconstructing an existing product to find its core components and eventually trying to find a way to make improvements.

App redesign was also the main theme of a solo-project at the Apple Developer Academy.
This project was a learning-by-doing exercise about the use of Apple's native components, Human Interface Guidelines and accessibility, by picking an app from the App Store and making it more HIG-compliant.
DriveLink (usability testing)

DriveLink was developed in Xcode, using Swift as a programming language and multiple additional frameworks. Specifically, we combined SwiftUI and UIKit for the app interface, used CallKit framework as a calling system, experimented with CloudKit for database and persistenceand and with Google's Firebase Authentication service.

The app was developed through a test-driven process by a team of five people, three coders and two UI/UX designers, as a project for the Apple Developer Academy.

Personal contribution
  • Implementation of the sign-in/sign-up feature with the development of the login and registration screens and the authentication system through Firebase authentication services.
  • Adding a multi-language support for localisation.
  • Text field input checks using regular expressions (RegEx).
  • Build release on TestFlight for the internal and external testing phase.